Mid-Career Recruitment

Full-time employees

Details of job opportunities

Positions available: Metal processing, machine assembly, mold design

Description of work duties Metal processing (MC, wire cutting, milling, grinding)
Machine assembly (injection molding machine assembly)
Mold design (CAD, CAM)
Qualifications A person with practical experience
Regular driver's license
Academic qualifications High school education or higher
Number of applicants A limited number of applicants

Working conditions and benefits

Employment status Full-time employee
Salary Monthly salary of 200,000 to 400,000 yen
Allowances Overtime allowance, holiday work allowance, commuting allowance (up to 15,000 yen per month)
Salary raises Yearly salary raise
*Calculated according to individual performance
Bonuses Twice yearly bonus
*Calculated according to individual performance and company performance
Work location Head office (Hatanodai, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo)
Days off and holidays Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays (except Saturdays specified by the company), summer and year-end holidays
Holidays and time off Paid leave, congratulation or condolence leave